Lead with science

Bridging the gap between research and the people who need it, to put science behind dog sheltering and dog rehoming.


Get Involved


Donate to help fund research

In order to achieve the mission of The Dog Rehoming Project, your support is needed! Learn how to support us and how your donations are used.  


For shelters and rehoming organizations

Researchers in this field need the involvement of shelters and rehoming organizations to make their studies possible.  Find out how you and your organization can help by getting involved.  


Participate in research

Science needs you! And your dog! And your kids! And possibly your cat! Researchers in this field need them all! Find out how you can help by getting involved.

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How can science help dogs in need of rehoming?

There is a growing body of scientific research in the field of dog sheltering, rehoming, and relinquishment. What are the findings of these studies, and what are the implications and practical applications of them.